Crugen HT51
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All Weather
City / Highway
Engineered with qualities, features and details to go the distance in hard driving, all-weather conditions.
Front Tire
Availability: {{tire.statusDisplayName ? tire.statusDisplayName : 'Contact Store'}}
${{tire.price.split('.')[0]}}{{tire.price.split('.')[1]}}Per Tire
Regular Price: ${{tire.regularPrice.split('.')[0]}}.{{tire.regularPrice.split('.')[1]}} Per Tire
Rear Tire
Availability: {{tire.rear.statusDisplayName ? tire.rear.statusDisplayName : 'Contact Store'}}
${{tire.rear.price.split('.')[0]}}{{tire.rear.price.split('.')[1]}}Per Tire
Regular Price: ${{tire.rear.regularPrice.split('.')[0]}}.{{tire.rear.regularPrice.split('.')[1]}} Per Tire
Availability: {{tire.statusDisplayName ? tire.statusDisplayName : 'Contact Store'}}
${{tire.price.split('.')[0]}}{{tire.price.split('.')[1]}}Per Tire
Regular Price: ${{tire.regularPrice.split('.')[0]}}.{{tire.regularPrice.split('.')[1]}} Per Tire

- Reinforced stable driving straight ahead performance and traction performance, handling performance through center block stiffening design
- Optimal block shape of 4 channel symmetric layout, long tread life has been improved
- 3D sipe application, braking performance of roads covered with snow and grip force have been maximized
- Wide groove design of a zig-zag type that causes turbulence, draining performance has been improved
- Improved driving straight ahead performance
- Long tread life
- Improved stability on snow covered roads
- Supplement of wet road driving performance
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